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Re: TR6 drivetrain noise

Subject: Re: TR6 drivetrain noise
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 08:59:34 -0800 (PST)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
> From: IN%""  "Dr. Robert Carley"  2-APR-1998 08:38:34.78
> Subj: TR6 drivetrain noise

> I recently put my 73 TR6 back on the road after a 1.5 yr. restoration.
> Before it came off the road, it had standard wheels and Micheline
> redlines, with rubber bushings in the suspension.  I vaguely remember
> before I took the car off the road (I had only had it for awhile and did
> not drive it too much) a noise emanating from the drivetrain, such as
> driving a 4X4 with knobby tires.
> Now that I have Pirelli tires (H rated), and poly bushes throughout, the
> noise has increased.  It varies, of course, with car speed, but not with
> engine speed.  Seems to be coming from the rear, and again sounds as if
> I am driving with snow tires.  The noise seems to increase on corners,
> although with my makeshift temporary exhaust system it's hard to tell
> :-).
> Would this be the rear hubs?  U-joints?.
> I have not had a four wheel alignment done.

Hi Robert
 sounds like you describe most likely come from a worn bearing in the rear
of the car somewhere (ie diff or wheels) Try jacking up the car one side
at a time and have someone turn the wheel that is raised and listen.
You might not hear much but you might feel or here something. It should
give you some indication whether the problem is diff or wheels.
Good luck
 Al Watson
 KAmloops BC> 

Alan Watson                                  EMail -
Computer services                            Voice - (250) 828-5330
University College of the Cariboo            Fax   - (250) 828-5328

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