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Aussie Beah - the definitive statement

To: "''" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Aussie Beah - the definitive statement
From: John Worthy <>
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1998 10:13:41 -0000
Forget Fosters guys - its commercial rubbish of the lowest order.

Cascade from Tasmania is it, followed closely by Coopers of SA  which has been 
left to stand for a couple of months (it still ferments in the bottle).

Of course if you really want some great beers try home brewwing.  Some of these 
brews are fantastic.

I base these comments on 30+ years of drinking the local swill.  

Oh, by the way ignore any bad comments about Canberra particularly from 
Victorians.  Canberra is the Nation's capital and is the seat of Government.  
Unfortunately we have to put up with the politicians from all the  States who, 
in the main are a detestable lot and who give our fair city a bad name.  You 
know, bit like Washington.  We tend to regard Victoria a bit like you Yanks 
regard Californians.  We call them Mexicans - south of the border.  Enough said!

1972 TR6

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