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Re: 3-2-1 we have IGNITION ;) Houston.....

Subject: Re: 3-2-1 we have IGNITION ;) Houston.....
From: schuyler grace <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 19:38:29 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
Good show, Jeff!

A few more things you might want to think about as you finish this thing up...

1)  I think you probably do have a ballasted coil -- the "ballast resistor" is
a piece of relatively high resistance wire that's incorporated into the wiring
harness, if 6's are anything like my spit.

2)  I'd take a close look at your "new" rotor before you install it with a new
cap.  The old, buggered cap may have chewed into the rotor, and it may, in
turn, bugger the new cap.  If you do reuse the newer rotor, be sure to clean
off all of the carbon, plastic dust, and tiny brass particles

3)  I'm not sure what the standard plug gaps are for a 6, but I'd set your
plugs back to this gap, not a wider one.

4) Yes, you are running sort of rich, but you may have flooded the engine
trying to crank it over, and it may take a little bit for the mixture to settle
back down to normal.

Keep us updated and enjoy your new electronic ignition.

-Schuyler wrote:

>      Well, the non-starting, recently Ignitor installed TR6 is living up to
>      it's LBC reputation.
>      I went home at lunchtime, pulled of the battery charger, turned the
>      key and she was cranking, then...coughed once. I was excited.
>      I turned the key again....CLICK-CLICK. Darn!
>      Put it in gear, rocked her, then turned it again. Crank, crank crank
>      (about 8 times) then a spit and a cough and it was RUNNING!
>      D**m! It idled rough, I brought it up to about 3000 RPM for about 10
>      seconds just waiting for the rotor to smash into the cap; it didn't.
>      It idled at about 700, but rough.
>      Well, this eliminates a problem coil, Ignitor and battery. My guess is
>      that either the timing is still off, or the slightly chewed up cap is
>      my problem.
>      I'll pull the plugs tonight to check their color. I'm not going to
>      re-install the points, etc. As soon as the dizzy cap arrives, I'll
>      change the plugs gapped at .035", re-check the timing, and get the
>      carbs tuned.
>      Did I mention that when I held a piece of cardboard near the exhaust
>      pipe and revved the engine, it was covered in a black, wet soot?
>      Running rich?
>      As always, thanks
>      Jeff
>      '73 TR6

Schuyler E. Grace
*  For topical application, only. Not to be *
*  ~~~~~  / taken internally or used in combination  *
* {:~{p>-| with other drugs or alcohol, except as di- *
*  ~~~~~  \ rected by your shaman. Do not operate heavy *
*  equipment unless you really know how.  *

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