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Re: what goes around, comes around(miat

Subject: Re: what goes around, comes around(miat
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 14:30:37 -0500

>As to what colour, is there a Japanese Racing Yellow??? :-)

This seems to be my day for commenting on Miatas!!!  This is an interesting 
question, with an interesting origin.  Way back in the 50s, there was a 
plastic model of the Japanese Zero fighter plane.  The company that made it 
(Aurora I think) molded it in bright lemon-yellow plastic.  Even though the 
Japanese Army and Navy never painted a single Zero yellow, there is a whole 
generation of us who think they did.  Even the box art had the plane bright 
yellow with the big red "meatballs" on the wings and fuselage. I think that 
the reason we all thought that Zeros were yellow is that we weren't into 
painting models yet.

 And, speaking of Zeros, they were made by Mitsubishi.  Why aren't there any 
flaming letters about Mitses??  Why do we reserve all our disdain for the 

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