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Re[2]: Mechanics and Ignitor

To: schuyler grace <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re[2]: Mechanics and Ignitor
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 09:46:59 -0500
   Scheduled implant of ignitor:tomorrow afternoon. I'll report to you on 
Monday. BTW, upon cold start-up this am, choke out--- 4 'cranks' of the engine. 
We'll see what the diffierence is with the ignitor.

'73 TR6

Subject: Re: Mechanics and Ignitor
Author:  schuyler grace <> at SMTP
Date:    3/26/98 7:51 PM

No apologies are necessary...after all, it took me a week to even start the 
I guess I was more concerned that you *had* already seen it.
Regarding the Ignitor installation, if you have a stock ignition setup (as I do 
you seem to) it is the easiest thing you will do for your LBC.  Don't worry 
giving the Ignitor a "real" 12V feed, just hook it up to the coil terminals as 
directed, and it will work great.  One thing though, make sure you have some 
on connectors on hand, and I needed a double spade adapter, because all of the 
terminals on one side of my coil were filled ( you could get around this by 
two coil wires on one crimp on spade, though).  My installation took all of five
minutes, but it would have been much quicker if I hadn't been worried that I did
something wrong, because it was so simple.
All in all, this is the best $100 I've spent on Malibu Barbie's Dream Car. 
After a
couple of months of great service, the real test is coming next week when we 
take a
600 mile round trip from Atlanta to Hilton Head Island and back.  Although I'll 
taking along a spare set of points, I'm more worried about the possibility of 
mechanical failures than whether the Ignitor will hold up.
-Schuyler wrote:
>      Schulyer,
>      My apologies, I haven't had a chance to look at the site. I'll try to 
>      get to it today.
>      Ignitor. I ordered it Tuesday, returned the Crane the same day. What's 
>      up with the coil? Do I need to do anything like bypass the ballast
>      resistor? I HATE electrical things (actually, I'm scared and ignorant 
>      of them). I wouldn't know a ballast resistor if someone shoved it up 
>      my nose. Can you give me some detail. It's supposed to be 70 degrees
>      this weekend in Mass. and if the Ignitor arrives, I'm going to install 
>      it.
>      Again, I'll try to get to the site today and let you know. Thanks, 
>      Jeff
Schuyler E. Grace 
*  For topical application, only. Not to be *
*  ~~~~~  / taken internally or used in combination  * 
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*  equipment unless you really know how.  *

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