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Re: gt6Plus

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net (IPM Return requested)
Subject: Re: gt6Plus
From: Peter Mchugh <"/c=US/admd=ATTMAIL/prmd=gov+dot/o=FAA/ou=FAAgw/dd.ccMail=Peter Mchugh 'at' AWAASY1PO/">
Date: 25 Mar 1998 15:04:36 -0500
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---------------------------------- Forwarded ----------------------------------
From: Peter Mchugh at AWAASY1PO
Date: 3/25/98 9:48AM
To: at Internet
Subject: Re: gt6Plus

     If you tell me where Kevin lives, I'll come and get 
     those nasty obstacles to your Lincolns... I'll drag 'em 
     right out 'o there and you won't be bothered by 'em 
     Can I have the trailer too?????  Sure would make towing 
     a lot easier.
     Dee's Husband (Pete)

Subject: gt6Plus
Author: at Internet
Date:    3/25/98 6:51 AM

My husband is gone. In my garage are two things labeled gt six +.  He claims 
they are cars of some type.  Actually they are in the way  because I can't 
get either of the Lincolns in the garage.  Are these things worth anything? 
One is on a trailer and it looks like it was used for parts.  The other was 
operated on the highways last year, although I never partook and can't say 
what it will do this year.  I'm looking for a convertible which has a much 
bigger "nicer" look.  Somebody suggested a tr6, but with a name like that I 
think it might be related to the things in my garage.  I'm looking to the 
mercedes dealer, those . . . they're really big and nice looking.  Guess my 
actual point is, does anybody know how to dispose of things labeled gt6+ and 
all the stuff that follows 'em.
Kevin's wife

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