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Insurance Summary

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Insurance Summary
From: Edward Hutchinson <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 12:17:05 -0500

Ive received quotes and applications from Hagerty Classic Insurance and
Parish Insurance.  I reviewed American Collectors Insurance, Inc. at their
web site ( and was able to obtain some
information and a quote.

All quotes were based upon the following:

Comp and Collision Liability: $300,000
Medical Payments: $5000
Uninsured Motorist
Personal Injury Protection
Agreed Value: $7,500 (Hagerty and American) Stated Value $7,500 with Parish
(please note that Bill Parish said they treat Stated Value the same as
Agreed Value.

Hagerty Classic Insurance - $151
American Collectors Insurance - $140
Parish Insurance - $245

All had a mileage limitation of 2,500 per year although Americans info
said they have a 5,000 mile maximum available for some states and Parish
said that requests for additional mileage beyond the 2,500 would be a
bridge to be crossed when we get there but the implication was that some
arrange could be made.  I did not ask Hagerty as they have a use limitation
- see below.

Usage restrictions: all covered club use, shows, pleasure and other use
such as vacations. However, I called each and asked if the car could be use
to drive to and from work on a limited basis during the summer.  Hagerty
and American Collectors would not insure the car for such use.  Parish
would insure the car which probably accounts for the slightly higher premium.

All wanted confirmation that the vehicle was stored in a locked garage.
Dont know what would happen if it wasnt.

All asked if the vehicle would be used for racing and/or rallying.

To contact each:
Hagerty Classic - 800-922-4050
American Collectors - 800-360-2277
Parish Insurance - 800-274-1804

The usual applies. I am not an insurance salesman nor do I play one on TV.
However, once with my wife we.... thats another story.


1974 TR6 CF 17687 U

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Should you trust a stockbroker who's married to a travel agent."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ed Hutchinson
Financial Aid Office
SUNY Inst. of Technology
P.O. Box 3050
Utica, NY 13504

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