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home sick, nuttin better to do than bug u guys :)

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: home sick, nuttin better to do than bug u guys :)
From: "Larry Hooven" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 14:31:16 PST
As i ended up with some sort of stomach flu, and the drugs the doc gave 
me are wearing off.  i decided to busy myself with tinkering (not real 
repair, just tinker) with the spit.  i currently have the whole thing 
off the ground,  went investigating the switches mentioned earlier, and 
they do control the ignition.  i discovered i can turn the engine over 
with them...will work for now...the alternator however is not putting 
out any juice  (put a meter to it and get 0 when the thing is turning, 
same on the scope) so i at this point am assuming ( i know bad word) 
that the alternator needs to be at least rebuilt, but it's a original 
lucas (sic) alternator, 36 amp to the 2 questions.

1...would it be worth rebuilding the lucas unit,  not a concours car so 
no biggie... there a bolt on replacement from another not lbc car that i can 
use and get real current out say a GM??  truck...happen to 
have one lying round.....120 amp....

seperate issue

the oil plug in the pan wont come out for nuttin,  tried blaster for 
last 2 weeks (thanks dave) drilled and have an easy out firmly planted 
in the hole, no luck....heated it up with a propane torch to the point 
of having to paint it again now cause of the scorch marks,  which i 
don't  mind sand blasting is free and the paint is cheap...

1...the only alternative i can find is to drill it out just outside the 
threads (slightly smaller drill than the threads) and remove it that 
way, question is what is the size of the oil plug so i can chase the 
threads and install a new one...

tia.....(sneezing profusely)  lovely 85 here today wish i could drive 
instead of tinker........  ;(

1979 spitfire  #FM99248U currently several shades of overspray

65 thousand driveway miles, at least it seems that way from pushing it 

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