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Life at Triumph - L I V E

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Life at Triumph - L I V E
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 20:58:03 -0000
Hi, listers
Andy Mace - President of VTR - needs no introduction to any of you. 
He has kindly undertaken, initially and on my behalf, to do an E-Mailshot
to a wide circle of contacts within VTR Clubs, Chapters and Zones on a
project I brought to his notice.
This project is my own small contribution to the Triumph 75th Anniversary
and likely to happen in the Fall of this year. When my stories "Life at
Triumph" first hit the internet earlier this year, I was soon inundated in
replies from many people saying how much they enjoyed them and how they
wished they were able "to hear me tell it like it was."
Well, they can!
I'm planning to undertake a tour of Triumph Clubs in the Fall "to tell it
like it was" to anyone who feels a programme of up to about two hours
duration would be a useful kick-off to a Winter 1998 Events Programme. For
it to be viable, I need to have visibility of at least eight presentations
to a minimum total number of 750 people. Currently, this suggestion is not
even at project stage and if there are few takers it just won't run. If
there are more takers than I can fit in to a two week 'skedoolie' I'm
willing to make a return trip(s) to cover those Clubs I missed out on the
first time around. I know we've not yet had the summer but if any of you
reading this feel your Club might be interested, would you at least flag up
your existence on the basis that no-one is under any obligation. Presently,
all I need to know is:
Your Club name (VTR affiliated or not) and where it is
The name and E-Mail address of your President or Events Co-ordinator 
An approximate guide based on your knowledge of members of how many you
think would want to attend such a presentation if it can be made a reality.
>From my side of the pond, I've the resource to put together what I believe
could turn out to be a thoroughly enjoyable evening for everyone and I'm
more than happy to spend between now and the Fall putting it together,
so yet more welding to do on the outriggers!!! Obviously, I can't and won't
be able to do any of this if the full response is anything less than the
figures I've shown above.
That's the broad brush idea - who wants to run with the concept at this
point to first base?

John Macartney
Now in the same museum as the cars he sold when they were new

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