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Re: WG: : VIRUS ALERT - given out by Microsoft and AOL

To: Steinbeck Michael <>
Subject: Re: WG: : VIRUS ALERT - given out by Microsoft and AOL
From: Ken Streeter <>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 07:13:34 -0500
Cc:,, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net,,,,,,,
Organization: Sanders A Lockheed Martin Company
References: <>
The virus alert forwarded on to you recently is a hoax.
The message contains a lot of the warning signs of such
hoaxes, and should be ignored.  Please do not forward
virus alerts or warnings on to others without personally
verifying their authenticity.  I would highly suggest that
you read the US DOE's Computer Incident Advisory Capability
WWW page on Internet Hoaxes before forwarding any such
messages along.  Their Hoax page is at
and explicitly lists this "WIN A HOLIDAY" hoax.


Steinbeck Michael wrote:

>Subject:   ********VIRUS ALERT**********
> If you receive an e-mail titled "WIN A HOLIDAY" DO NOT open
> it, it will erase everything on your hard drive. Forward this
> letter out to as many people as you can.  This is a new,
> very malicious virus and not many people know about it. This
> information was announced yesterday morning from Microsoft,
> please share it with everyone that might access the Internet.
> Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your address
> book so that this may be stopped. Also, do not open or even
> look at any mail that says "RETURNED OR UNABLE TO DELIVER"
> this virus will attach itself to your computer components and
> render them useless. Immediately delete any mail items that say
> this. AOL has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that
> there is NO remedy for it at this time. please practice
> cautionary measures and forward this to all your on-line friend

Kenneth B. Streeter         | EMAIL:
Sanders, PTP2-A001          | 
PO Box 868                  | Voice: (603) 885-9604
Nashua, NH 03061            | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

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