The TR250-TR6 manual has been sold, but the TR2-TR4A manual is still
-Eric Miller
>Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 21:01:02 -0800
>To: triumph
>From: Eric Miller <>
>Subject: Haynes Manuals
>Howdy Group!
>Lucky day today! During my fairly regular visit to Powells books here in
Portland, I came across two used Haynes manuals that seem to be in high
demand lately. I picked up one TR2-4A, and one TR250-6. Both are in used
condition with various dirt/grease stains on the covers (they look
suspiciously like all my manuals...).
>I would be happy to send them to two good homes for my cost plus shipping.
I paid $10.00 for the The TR2-4A manual, and the $15.00 for the TR250-6
>Eric Miller
>Portland, OR
>1965 TR4A