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BMIHT production record certificate

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: BMIHT production record certificate
From: McGaheyRx <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 16:53:27 EST
Well, it looks like the BMIHT web site has moved (since last time I went
and most of what I remembered finding is gone or well hidden. That stuff
about Shakespeare's country is pretty interesting, but what I really want to 
know is if the process of obtaining a BMIHT production record certificate
has changed since the last time I did it (in May 96)

So does anybody have current information on process, procedure, price
for obtaining a BMIHT production record certificate ?

(the last ime I did this they had the price - in pounds sterling - on the web
site and I mailed them a request with Visa card #. I recall they were very
prompt and the cost was converted to US $ by the bank card system at 
then prevailing exchange rate)

Thanks !
Jack Mc
73 TR6 (have BMIHT cert.)
69 GT6+ (want to get BMIHT cert.)

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