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Re: Heel and Toe Driving

Subject: Re: Heel and Toe Driving
From: James <>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 09:35:10 +0000
Cc: "robert m. lang" <>, triumph owners digest <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: UKAEA
References: <> wrote:
> > Heel and toe driving is _very important_ if you want to drive smoothly.
> I'm sure that if Britain, and especially Triumph, had kept building
> interesting cars that required ignorance/bravery/stupidity (still love
> 'em) some of us would have eventually grown a third leg by blessing of
> evolution ;-)
> But some bastard had to invent automatic, didn't they.......
> Chris Rodgers
> Pretend expert (hey, aren't we all!)

Automatic's in the UK are "harder than camel sh*t in the desert" to
almost all the cars you see are 4/5 speed manual, with a couple of
less" manuals.  The reason is, the roads in the UK are so windy, you
the manual to cope with the corners.  Plus automatics have an image of
drivers who are too stupid to use a manual.  But, we don't have three
legs yet.  Anyway who actually needs to slow down for a corner. 

I think automatics, are horrible, unless I'm stuck in a traffic jam
and starting all the time. :-)

What someone needs to invent is a clutch that disconnects when you stop
below 900 rpm's higher on choke and re engages when you are above 900. 
you will no longer need an automatic. 

James Carpenter
Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot

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