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YES i need another part

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: YES i need another part
From: "Larry Hooven" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 18:54:03 PST
ladies and gentleman, again i beseech you,

I need the barrel bracket that holds the ignition barrel lock to the 
steering column or a complete (with barrel lock bracket) steering 
column.  ears must be intact, with bolts and barrel lock ok, actually 
preffered. i can remove the shear bolts and put in new ones.  will pay 
part cost, reasonable gas, and throw in some for time. let me know if 
you have one or can get one from the local yards.

And on the note of feelling left out, i too have had questions go 
unanswered, but not to feel left out i posted it again. at which time it 
was answered.  there is always the possibility that your or someone 
elses computer or ISP didn't recieve the message, hell if the US POSTAL 
service lost my mail as much as my ISP I'd never get anything.   i 
generally don't ask unless i have exhausted everything in my repotoire 
(sp) or just need a quick answer for something that i don't remember.  
One thing the CORP taught me was that you are only defeated if you 
believe you are defeated, and besides, i don't know how many times ive 
asked the boss for a raise...only to be ignored  ;-}..  

In conclusion (or is that collusion, oops sorry too many clinton 
stories) let me thank PUBLICLY Everyone on the list, including those who 
did not answer me but answered someone else, because sometimes i find 
answers in posts or other threads that don't directly relate to my 
question but give me a different bent on the problem at hand and have 
come in quite useful.  If i had the hard drive space i'd save em all..

one last note, on the way home today i saw 2 young (20-24 year olds) 
towing behind them a white spitfire northbound on the 15 in the cajon 
pass (not that that means anything to anyone but us from so cal)  
appeared to be a 79 possibly 80 but really looked like mine so im 
guessing.  didn't look like a basket case, and if anyone knows these 
guys tell em.  GOOD SHOW.

1979 spitfire  #FM99248U currently several shades of overspray

65 thousand driveway miles, at least it seems that way from pushing it 

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Murphys Second Law of Combat...If it's stupid but works, it aint stupid.

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  • YES i need another part, Larry Hooven <=