At 11:53 25/02/98 +0000, you wrote:
>I always understood it that it was best to keep your boot down when going round
>a corner so that you got the negative camber of the rear wheels, this will give
>you better grip, because as the body rolls, the outside wheel will become more
>upright, if you think about it, if the wheels are upright to start with, then
>they tilt over a bit, then you are getting similiarites to positive camber.
The centripetal force (between the road and the tire) is responsible for the
camber change. One reason for accelerating is that doing so transfers weight
from the front to the rear wheels, improving their grip. There may also be
2nd-order effects I haven't read about. Someday I'll have to get out my
Classical Mechanics textbooks and suspension books, install Mathematica on
my PC, and produce the definitive treatise.
Allen Nugent
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 Australia