Thanks again to the list, especially Joe "Spitfire" Curry. I went out to the
tightened up the very loose manifold bolts. (I am going to try to rationalize
My thinking is that the initial running, and heat caused therby, allowed the
material to soften. As such, the nuts needed retorquing. Sound plausible?
Yeah right.
I also richened things up a bit, seemed to smooth out quite a bit. Thanks to
another lister for that.
My girls are clapping at the garage door, asking me to make the "big noise"
again and again.
But that's enough for tonight, I live about 7 miles from the cemetery, and
seriously fear waking the dead at this point.
Once again, thanks for being there guys, this list is so good. You ask and you
receive, all in a very timely fashion.
Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar
Morgan Hill, CA