On Thu, 19 Feb 1998, Dave Fain wrote:
> I am on the organizing committee for a LBC event. The
> person handling the funkhana asked for suggestions on
> activities. Here are some that come to mind:
> What have you seen or done in a funkhana that you thought
> was fun or interesting? Please email me directly with
> a copy to the list. Thanks in advance.
I organize a funkhana for the Champaign British Car Festival...
In the past we have done:
a Stromberg Zenith carb toss (underhand for distance)
"Taking the jewels from the "Crown Colonies" with driver and
passenger. Driver drives around to spaced cones (labeled for each
of the crown colonies e.g. "India, Canada, Australia, etc..." on top
of each cone is a tennis ball which must be removed on the way out
and returned on the way back. The right "jewel" must get back to the
"right" colony.
Tire rotation: Driver pulls into box, passenger gets out and carries
tire and wheel once around the car.
"Hot Head' sparkplug change: same as yours except done with one head
4 sparkplugs and fireplace gloves (timed, of course).
Last year we had a Monty Python and the Holy grail theme...
Space was very restricted and there were curbs in the three bays.
to keep the speeds down we gave the driver a "knight's helmet"
(plastic pail painted gold with no eye slits) and had the navigator
guide the driver. We aslo repeated the "Hot Head of Eternal Peril",
had the participants make a "shrubery" and answer (easy) trivia
questions at the "Bridge of Death"
This year is a James Bond theme: With the same location as last year,
we will mask the drivers (this time with sunglasses painted black),
have them make a "proper martini" shoot a target (wearing the
fireplace gloves, and solve the puzzle of the "Lucas Box" (they have
to light several lights on a "black box" by means of throwing switches
and or connecting or disconnecting wires. And perhaps something
else I haven't figured out yet...
Be devious... the key is to have fun
Greg Petrolati
gpetrola@prairienet.org 1962 TR4 (CT4852L)
"That's not a leak... My car is just marking its territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois