Anthony Green wrote:
> I'm trying to replace the head gasket on my 79 spitfire.
> I'm at the point now where the head should just pull off. It
> doesn't want to budge. Any ideas?
> I'm also wondering about one of the bolts that was attached to
> the catalytic converter. It has nuts on both ends, which seem wierd.
> Has anyone else seen this?
> Anthony
Heads really don't ever just fall off. They always need convincing,
some considerably more than others. Chances are, the older the engine,
the more the head wants to stay wedded to the block.
Get a piece of 2X4 wood, and place underneath a corner of the head. Hit
it sharply. The key is to apply a sharp force. Repeat at all corners,
if possible. (This is the beauty of a Spitfire tilt-up bonnet.)
If you can crack the head from the block a little, and it still won't
come off, then try hammering some hardwood wedges into the crack. Do
not use anything metal in this way, or you will need to remachine your
block and head(!)
There is a product (available at Chrysler/Dodge dealers?) called
something like "Mopar Heat Riser Solvent." Listers have used this in
the past with good success. Otherwise, try spraying WD40 into every
crack you can find.
Lastly, there is "the rope trick." Don't quote me on this, but
apparently it involves taking out the #1 and #4 plugs, inserting the
frayed end of a rope, and cranking the engine. The extra "compression"
in those cylinders will pop the head without damaging it.
Good luck!
Martin Secrest
GT6, Spitfire