Forwarded by request from Jane...
>>Firstly, I think that James adds a lot to this list, and if you guys
>>that are hacking on his occasional mis-spelled word offend him to the
>>point that he leaves (with trained marmot in tow), then I'm going to
>>start spelling everything incorrectly, and in ALL CAPS which is very
>>I just thought he was from Wales, (I lived near Hereford for a while)
>>and they all spell things in a unique manner.
>>Taught by a Marmot to spell, but still can't get a windshield to fit
>>his 79 spitfire....
Well said Jay, and now back to the original question at hand. I think
would be quite nice to have some sort of diagnostic software for LBC
Some how you could type in what ever problem, and the software would
you thru suggestions to correct the problem. A person could make
on a soft ware like that. You would also need complete instructions on
to go about fixing the problem. I guess you would have to customize
different version for different models of car but could include all the
years that were made. You could also have restoration information and
originality information. There, that should give you enough to work
now be sure to send me my copy when you get it done.
Jane (hoping like h*(^ I didn't mis-spell any words)
'67 GT6
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