I've just got a new radio/cassette for my Spit 1500 and am trying to
optimise the position of the speakers. At the moment I have 2 speakers
in the rear panel behind the seats. This is not ideal, as far as I can
see, for at least two reasons
1. The panel is very flimsy.
2. The panel is not well sealed so that sound from the rear of the
speaker can leak round the edges.
So from a theoretical point of view this setup should sound pretty bad,
although it may be that if the leaks are small compared to the volume of
the boot (of course the petrol tank is in the way) this problem is a
small one. Has anyone got any practical experience ? Would reinforcing
the panel with some plywood or something make much difference ?
I'd also like to put a pair of speakers in the doors, but looking at
it, it looks like there is very little room. Again, has anyone played
around with door speakers ?
I'm not looking for the ultimate in high fidelity, just something that
doesn't sound too offensive.
[Third attempt - Does majordomo reject mail if the From: field doesn't
match a subscriber to the list ? I usually send mail from a different
account to the place I read mail, so that may be the problem.]
Julian Daley, Dept Phonetics, University College London
_______________________________ j.daley@ucl.ac.uk _____________________________