Someone here recently said that a correct wiring diagram for a 1974 TR6
can be found on page 235 in the supplement section of the Haynes
manual. Well, that's good, but my Haynes only goes to page 234. My
supplement only has 2 sections, for the fuel system and suspension. My
copy has a 1974 and 1978 copyright date, and the cover says it's for
TR250 & 6, 1967 thru 1976. There is a wiring diagram on page 188, but it
seems to have a few boo-boo's, especially in the numbering/labeling of
the diagram.
I also have the British Leyland "Repair Operation Manual" (White book)
with a wiring diagram on page 86.00.02, which seems better than the one
in my Haynes. Is the one on page 235 in Haynes better than the one in
the Leyland book, or maybe the same?
- Lex Garey, Shelby, NC '74 TR6