At 14:12 18/01/98 -0500, you wrote:
>The windshield washer in my '70 Spitfire is unoperational. The wipers work
>just fine, however when I try to pump wiper fluid out, nothing will come. I
>do, of course, have a full bottle of cleaner and haven't noticedany clog in
>the lines that I can see. I was just wondering what the most common fix was
>to this problem.
I once had this problem in my TR7. I found 4 individual faults in the
system. Each time, I was certain I had found the problem, and was
disappointed, until the last one:
1. corroded motor contact
2. blocked filter in pickup
3. blocked hose
4. blocked squirter-jets
They finally worked after I blew out the jets. I then proceeded directly to
the pub.
Good luck.
Allen Nugent
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 Australia