To those involved in this conversation:
Where do you all live? Up here in Vermont we get charged for local calls so
even connecting to a close server will add up. For example during peak hours
(9am to 9pm) Bell Atlantic charges $0.022 a minute and off peak hours $0.005 a
minute. You are given a usage allowance and the final bill is equal to the
total local call bill minus the allowance...not to exceed $18.75. A friend of
mine in the Huntington area doesn't even get an allowance with his local
calls, he pays for all of them. This way the phone companies don't have to
distinguish if you are online or not, you just get charged for everything.
So eventhough I have unlimited use through AOL I still have to look at my time
online. I don't know if it is like this anywhere else but I certainly don't
recall this system in Mass. where I used to live.
My question is does any one else go through this, especially the ones writing
about possible (whether a hoax or not) online charges through the phone
75 TR6 (once encased in a protective layer of ice)