Alan Camhi wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Got my Stromberg 175CD carb rebuild kits from TRF(thanks John Duhart) and was
>wondering if anyone ever published a "how to" via the VTR web page or any
>other s
> Upon disassembling them, what should I look for? How do I clean them and
>specifically, what should I clean? What solvent is used for cleaning?
>anything i sh
> This is a major undertaking for me and I am a little nervous about it so any
>help[ offered(small or large would be greatly appreciated. You guys wer great
> Thanks for all the help both previous and future.
> cheers,
> Alan Camhi
> '65TR4
> P.S. I will be going slow, doing one at a time and will be taking lots of
>pictures and notes as to how they looked prior to removal.
> Alan:
1) Get good manual.
2) Get several ex-margarine tub containers.
3) Get carb cleaner, WD-40, clean rags, ventilate room, no heat sources.
4) Go slow.
5) Go slower.
6) Reassemble.
7) Float bowl clearance is critical. So is cleanliness. LBC shops have a
special tool
to check the clearance -- you may want to borrow one or take it in to check at
8) Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to believe you can do it.
luck, Mr. Camhi.
Martin Secrest
73 GT6
74 Spitfire
Arlington, VA