OK I apologise unreservedly to Joe,
I accused him of having a full mailbox,because I got a message telling me so.
But it must have been a cyber-fib because you replied to my mailing!!!
So who has the full mailbox?
Well,I sent that particular mailing-the one about the odd Triumph colour names
to the Triumph list,and to Andy Mace.
So if it is true about one of those three being full,then it must be the
list,which I doubt,or Andy's which I also doubt.
I don't get it.,what is the point of the message? reproduced here for my
fellow listers curiosity,any ideas anyone?
To: Internet@Services@WHQ[<curry@wolfenet.com>]
Subject: Re: Triumph World # 18
Message not delivered to recipients below. Press F1 for help with VNM
error codes.
VNM3043: Dave Gauthier@NetDataMgmt@USRIT
The message cannot be delivered because the
recipient's mailbox contains the maximum number of
messages, as set by the system administrator. The
recipient must delete some messages before any
other messages can be delivered.
The maximum message limit for a user's mailbox is
10,000. The default message limit is 1000 messages.
Administrators can set message limits using the
Mailbox Settings function available in the
Manage User menu (MUSER).
When a user's mailbox reaches the limit, the
user must delete some of the messages before
the mailbox can accept any more incoming messages.