Hello everyone
Having had it confirmed that this is indeed the list for discussing these
cars, I shall proceede thus:
I am considering purchasing a Triumph Renown. I want a British four door
saloon with classic lines. The open road speed limit in my country (New
Zealand) is 100km/hr (60mph). I want a car which will be usable for
every day use on windy, hilly, sealed, country roads, and which will keep
up with modern traffic. From what I have read I understand that a Renown
should fit the bill. Any thoughts?
FWIW I am reasonably well acquainted with LBCs having previously owned a
1937 Morris 8, and a Reliant Regal. I rebuilt the motor on the former and
removed and replaced the gearbox on the latter, so have some mechanical
ability. I will try to find an example with the 2000cc engine with
overdrive which has had the woodwork renewed, has straight panels and is
mechanically sound. I am aware that leather reupholstery is very expensive.
Are there any other traps for the uninitiated? (ie faults to look out for?)
I'm basically after a car with the Morrie's looks but which won't shake
till my teeth rattle at 55mph and require 1st gear for hills :). (I also
will definitely appreciate the 4th wheel :) )
I read recently (on this list), that this is the best list on the
internet. I look forward to your replies. Thank you in advance.
Sarah Brown
New Zealand