Paul Burr wrote:
> Bollen wrote:(snip)
> >
> > I would like to propose myself for the Idiot of the Year Award.Today
> > while working inside the TR6 I tied the door handle to a garage
> upright
> Result- ripped
> > the handle right out the door, creased the skin where it hit the
> fender.
> OK, everyone get your best Homer Simpson voice working. Got it? All
> together now-"DOOOOH!" Been there, did something very similar!
Reminds me of the time I installed the new windshield and top on my ski
boat, out in the driveway. I hooked up the trl to my pickup truck and
backed it into the garage. I forgot to see if the heigth of the boat
with the top up would clear the garage door, it didn't, scratch one new
top hardware. Can I get a resounding "Doooh"?
Larry Zink
1964 Spitfire4 Mk1