Jon Moody wrote:
> Has anyone gotten the current issue of triumph world? I haven't and
> noticed that its on the stand and Barnes & Noble. I am really
> unsatisfied with the company that imports them. This is the second time
> they've not delivered an issue when they should have. The first time
> they blamed it on the mail and said tough luck. I'm starting to wonder.
> --Jon Moody '73 and 71 TR6
Jon, I did not get two copies in a row. I talked to a veery nice lady
called Chris in Customer Service. She sent out two more 3rd class and I
never got them. She sent two more, one by 1st class and one by 3rd and I
got them both.Neither of us could figure it out. My address was correct
and all my other mags come on time.I have the current issue.