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Re: TR3 head removal

To: Adrio Taucer <>
Subject: Re: TR3 head removal
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 09:43:54 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>
Adrio Taucer wrote:

> I am appealing to the collective wisdom of the list for some
> assistance.  In the process of removing the head form my TR3 and have
> hit a snag.  All the nuts and bolts came off no problem but the head is
> being stubborn.  I can lift the front of the head about 3 mm and it is
> evident that the head is moving relative to the front 8 studs (I can see
> the head moving up and down on them).  BUT the rear 2 studs seem to be
> "fixed" with the head.
> So my question is, is there a "trick" or some method for getting the
> head unstuck form these studs?
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Adrio Taucer
> Ottawa, Canada
> '59 TR3

It seems like this subject was discussed a couple of months ago.  Most times
the problem you are seeing is due to the studs rusting to the head.

You can soak them in penetrating oil and then try to remove them by locking
two nuts together and wrenching the bottom one.  I wouldn't worry about
breaking the studs, because if they are rusted in the middle, that's likely
where they will break.  They will have to be replaced anyway.

If they won't come out with a wrench, you may have anough leverage, that you
can work the head up and down enough to cause the rust to powderize and free
the head.

Joe Curry

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