Try rebuilding the rear cylinders "in situ" and see if cleaning them up
solves the problem.
Bob Kramer, Austin TX
Hill Country Triumph Club
TR6x3, TR250 x3, TR3A vintage race
> From: ArthurK101 <>
> To:
> Subject: TR4 brake problem
> Date: Saturday, December 27, 1997 10:35 AM
> Folks, any one have an easy solution to this problem?
> 1. Brake pedal hard as a rock - very little movement
> 2. Jacked up the car one wheel at a time. Found:
> a) Passenger side rear binding - unable to rotate by hand (locked up)
> b) Driver's side rear binding - was able to rotate by hand but with
much force
> necessary
> c) Both front wheels would rotate by hand but took some force. (I'm
not sure
> how much force would be appropriate for the disk brakes).
> d) Handbrake cable loose at both rear wheels
> Accorrding to Haynes this looks like a problem in the Master cylinder
> port.
> Any suggestions/quick fixes. "Hope springs eternal." :-) Cheers.
> Art Kelly '64 TR4 CT33118L