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Re: spitfire coil info needed

Subject: Re: spitfire coil info needed
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 21:02:06 -0800
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>

> I have a 79 Spitfire with a Crane electronic ingition. I would like some
> advice regarding replacing ( upgrading) the coil. Should I get a Crane coil?
> They offer 3, again which one ? Should I consider the Lucas Sport coil? I'm
> looking for a coil that is a straight swap . Is the 79 ballasted? So many
> questions that the list has probably answered before. Thanks i advance for any
> and all info

I don't think any of the Spitfires had external ballasts.  Therefore, If I'm
correct, you need to look for an internally basslated coil.  Otherwise, you will
have to rewire the Crain Ignition system.  Both types are covered in the
installation instructions.

Joe Curry   '63 Spit. (No external Ballast Resistor)

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