> I think I take the honors for youngest lister on this one.. I'm 14, and
>I've owned my TR7 for around 7 months now.. Until later,
>Danny Burket 1979 Triumph TR7 Fixed Head Coupe E-Mail: DuperSude@AOL.com
>Website: HTTP://Members.aol.com/DuperSude/index.html
Nope, I'm SEVEN YEARS OLD, or atleast that's how old the girlfriend says I
act!!! :-)
I drove my first Herald when I was 19 I think, and my first Spitfire when I was
20! Prior to the Herald I had(still have) a Morris Minor, my only venture into
modern(ish) car ownership since has been 1982 Citroen Visa, 20 quid and it
lasted a year until some dozy bint drove into it, mind you, she gave me 60 quid
so I was happy, and she didn't spot the bald tyres either!!! :-) :-)