Hi folks,
A few weeks ago I told you about a tranny conversion for a TR6 and promised to
get further information for the list. Sorry for keeping some of you waiting,
my job kept me really busy.
The gearbox is modified by a German company, I called them up to get more
information. The gearbox is the 5-speed box from a Rover 3500 or late TR7/8. To
use it in the TR6 (TR3/4/5 as well, but TR6 clutch needs to be used) they use a
different bell housing. The owner of this company did not tell me which bell
housing he is using, that’s his big secret! So it’s up to us to guess which one
might fit. The clutch slave cylinder is on the right side and therefore the
‘routing’ of the exhaust pipes have to be modified. No modification on the
chassis frame are necessary. The TR6 rear engine plate stays in place, but I do
not know whether some minor changes (e.g. holes) are necessary. The gearchange
lever mechanism is a shorter than the Rover 3500 version to match the TR6 lever
position. (I’m not sure whether a late TR7 5-speed lever is shorter than
Rover’s). The propshaft needs to be shortened and re-balanced. Slave cylinder,
starter, fly wheel and clutch are used from the TR6.
The advantages of the tranny conversion:
- due to the needle bearings means more power at the rear axle;
- less weight better acceleration, higher mileage/gallon;
- no overdrive necessary;
Anyway, the company make a big secret of their 5-speed conversion. They offer
the complete modified and reconditioned gearbox including the bell housing for
D-Mark 2000 (= USD 1190, ex. Ratio 1USD=1,68DM). This is a fairly good price if
you consider that the tranny has been rebuild, modified and comes with a
different bell housing.
Unfortunately, they do not have any brochures or other information in English.
But for those of you, who are interested to get more information I will help
to get in contact with this company or I will do that for you. (Oh yeah, no
financial interest of cause!).
I hope that helps.
Best regards,
74 TR6