>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 10:24:07 +0100
>From: Odd Hedberg <odd@triumphclub.se>
>Subject: Re: Unleaded Fuel / Valve seat inserts
>Guyot Leon F wrote to us on the subject of leaded fuel
>disappearing from the British market in the next century,
>and then asked if anyone had any experience with different
>methods of inserting harder valve seats into cast iron heads...
>> Does anyone have any further thoughts on all this grief ?
>> Leon
>I can comment on the subject and say that in Sweden we've
>had no leaded fuel for something like 10-15 years now, to
>no ill effect it seems.
We've had no lead in the USA for about 20 years. The northeast hasn't
had any leaded for at least that length of time. No ill effects reported
for Triumph owners. The Vintage Triumph Register asked its membership
for any personal experiences about 10 years ago. The only comments
we got were from folks that said they had no ill effects. One person wrote
and said they never used leaded at all (unleaded AMOCO was available
for many years before the total elimination of leaded) in their TR-3
for the entire life of the car and had no problems with valve recession.
Hope that helps,
Bill Sohl
VTR Public Relations Mgr.
Linda and Bill Sohl -- Budd Lake, NJ -- billsohl@planet.net