>All this talk of converting TRs to "mini" wagons got me thinking, has
>anyone looked into grafting the back of a Harald Estate to a TR? I once
>saw a XK150 Jag with the back of a Morris Minor Woodie grafted on,
>looked nice. As for repowering a Spit, I bid on a 1500 cross flow Ford
>powered Spit. It ended up in Maryland, about 3 or 4 years ago in the
>Baltimore area, anybody ever see it? Metalic white, with flares, nice
>car. Later, Chris
Where did you see the XKmoggie??? A bloke about 10 miles from my house imports
alot of cars from the US, and a year or so back imported such a creature, I
think it was white, although I ain't sure, is this the same car???? Surely it