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Rear suspension questions

To: Edward Hamilton <>
Subject: Rear suspension questions
From: "\"Mr. Mike\" Passaretti" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 16:53:26 -0600
Cc: Triumphs <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
References: <>
>>>>> "Edward" == Edward Hamilton <> writes:

    Edward> Upon installing a rear suspension kit, the Haynes
    Edward> manual says, with the wheels on and vehicle on the
    Edward> ground, to throw a body into the vehicle (getting
    Edward> the laden weight correct) and then tighten
    Edward> everything to the proper torque recommendations.
    Edward> Not being one of the "wee people" -- dwarf and/or
    Edward> leprechaun and not having a lift in my garage, I
    Edward> would like to know what others have done.  If I'm
    Edward> to follow the manual literally, I suspect the
    Edward> answer is to crawl into the trunk with a torch and
    Edward> make an access way through the inner fender well.
    Edward> Since this is unacceptable, I guess everyone else
    Edward> just tightens everything, to specs, while the car
    Edward> is on jacks??

It's not that hard (even for us larger folk) to get an arm
under there with a torque wrench on it.  Of course, I use the
"click-type" wrench, so I didn't have to see what I was doing.


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