[BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net: Non-member submission from [Peter Mchugh
<"/c=US/admd=ATTMAIL/prmd=gov+dot/o=FAA/ou=FAAgw/dd.ccMail=Peter Mchugh 'at'
Date: 05 Dec 1997 10:52:21 -0500
From: Peter Mchugh
<"/c=US/admd=ATTMAIL/prmd=gov+dot/o=FAA/ou=FAAgw/dd.ccMail=Peter Mchugh 'at'
Subject: Re: TR6, Parrish hardtop installation?
I'd say that the warpage is your first and major problem... and I have
no experience to offer suggestions.
The turnbuckles should have eyes (or at least my top has eyes) though
which you fastener bolts (or screws) into the soft top side bracket holes.
My TR-6 (and probably yours as well) already has holes for the front
attaching bolts in the upper windshield frame. Yours may still be
covered by fabric overlay...feel along the bottom of the upper frame
pressing fairly hard with your finger and you will find at least two
sets of holes, one set each side of the car. If memory serves, for
your new hard top you need to find the holes located directly under
the soft top latch holes...you can press a bolt (or screw) through the
fabric at that point and fasten the top from the bottom of the
windscreen. I wouldn't mess with trying any more elaborate fastener.
If you can work the warpage out you'll be very happy with your top.
Pete McQ