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triumph badges,wot dey meen?

To:,, (Scott Kohl), triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: triumph badges,wot dey meen?
From: GuyotLeonF <>
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 1997 13:33:49 EST
Organization: AOL (
On  Sat, 06 Dec 1997  Kris Cotton <>
wrote:Subject: triumph badges, wot dey meen?

<<<Hi One & all

>>>Hi Kris!,

<<<Herald code was ZOBO ( appartenly, a Tibetian Yak of indeterminate sex Hope
the Yaks knew what sex they were)

>>>If not,I guess they soon found out!,however,a Yak is not a Zobo,in fact,"a
Zobo is 
a Tibetan pack animal of indeterminate sex.half way between a bull and a cow."

<<<The two crossed flags on the rear quarter of Heralds, are of nautical
origin. One is the intl flag for running "FULL STEAM ASTERN" & the other
denotes the sign "REQUIRE ASSISTANCE", both seem to be quite apt for some
of the TR range at the time.

>>>Agreed,(but 'of the time'?hmmm), 
BTW,the enamel on brass flags were fitted to other Standard cars from the
Vignale design studios,and the front flag with the red box denotes for
Standard,whilst the rear flag with the blue cross denotes <V> for Vignale.
Giovanni Michelotti,'our cars' prolific & talented stylist was working for
Vignale,(and Farina,Bertone,Allemano,Ghia & Balbo),before he set-up on his own
in 1949,and his first job for Standard was to retouch the Standard
Vanguard,turning it into the Vignale Vanguard).
He also styled the Pennant,Standard Sportsman,Triumph Herald/Vitesse,the
Spitfires/GT6,the TR4 family,the TR6-prototype,(reworked by Karmann),the
1300/Toledo/1500/Dolomite range,the Stag and the 2000 range,and FWIW,the
BMW700,1500/1800,Daf 44/55,Hino Contessa,Italia Coupe and whilst working for
the earlier mentioned design houses,several 'Ferrari's/Maserati's'...

<<<Also could have something to do with the fact
that the Herald was in it's early days was apparently concieved (thinking
wise) on the boat.

>>>I'm sorry,Kris?,Where on earth did you get that idea?

>>>The Triumph Herald was conceived by Giovanni Michelotti in September 1957
in his Turin Penthouse/10th floor,studio,in the company of Harry Webster,(ST
Chief Engineer).
The boat to which you refer,belonged to Alick Dick,(ST Managing
Zobo was named 'Herald' in June 1958,when the board of directors 'resolved
that the name given to Zobo would be Triumph Torch,but there was no
agreement,and in the end Alick Dick settled the argument,on a Monday
morning,he said 
"I've been on my boat over the weekend.It's called 'Herald' ,Let's call the
new car that." And so,Herald it was.   

>>>Re the shield logo no idea a possible explanation is that they represent
the vertical prison bars where the designer of the rear swing axle idea
should have been locked away! 
Tony Cotton
Adelaide Loco Works
Australian made rail, sleepers (UV protected)& rail joiners for 45mm gauge,
10' radius points soon
 ph/fax intl-61-8-82484430

Well,I know exactly what the Triumph shield logo denotes,but I won't put it in
this mailing,(Because I was the one who told Scott D.Kohl,who asked the
question in the first place,and that would spoil things,but I will say that
Odd Hedberg came closest yet,but I thnik I may have told him myself back in
1991,when I stayed at his place?,however I can't remember that!).

Leon,standing in for Andy Mace,coz he didn't reply to Kris yet!
(sorry Kris,no offence intended,but I couldn't let folks think the Herald was
designed on a boat now could I ?).

OK,a question from me:What is the original colour/color of the early Herald
instruments? (clue:it's not white).(shut-up Andy,I know you know!)...

Regards to all,
Leon F Guyot    

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