One of the biggest problems I've found in keeping up with the e-mail on this
list is that often, when reading a reply to a message, I have to go through
the original message plus any earlier replys to get to the senders reply.
While the information contained in the e-mail is useful, the amount of time
spent getting to the reply can be bothersome. Especially, when multiplied by
the number of messages going over the wire each day.
Therefore, I would like to share with you the following which was posted to
another e-mail list (so you can see the problem is not restricted to our
list only):
"When using your system's REPLY function, your reply will most likely go
back to the original poster. If you want to REPLY to the list, you will
most likely need to overtype the TO: field with the e-mail address of the
list. Survey responses should always be sent back to the requestor and NOT
the list. When REPLYing back to the list, won't you take a few moments and
edit out of your reply all (or most) of the originator's question, including
their headers, signature, or comments (unless required for unequivocal
context)? Often, all you will need to do is copy (via the REPLY function)
the original SUBJECT: line with RE: prepended."
My $.02 for what its worth.