> As a data point that may be helpful to you, all TR250's had
>non-adjustable Stromberg carbs. The needle was held in the air valve with a
>grub screw, and inserting a special hex tool down the damper hole
>accomplished nothing. As a (very) slight silver lining, at least there was
>no rubber o-ring at the bottom of the damper to wear out and let your carb
>oil leak out....
My TR250 has fixed needles but adjustable jets.
Had a hard time finding jets, so I put on a pair of '76 carbs.
Brian Borgstede I
Telecommunications Engineer, I '68 Triumph
University of Missouri, St. Louis I
Instructional Technology Center I TR-250
Phone: (314) 516-6433 I
Fax: (314) 516-5294 I
sbrborg@umslvma.umsl.edu I