I have to add my $.02 on this one. I removed that old fake chrome crap
from my Spit when I bought it (first thing I did to the car, windscreen
and hardtop). I have absolutely no intention to replace it. To my
knowledge it serves no functional purpose, and these cars look better
with the "blacked out" look anyway.
79 Spit
> fellow listers:
> with respect to windshield trim question, the trim on my 76 Spitfire looks
> awful so I've been looking into replacement when I get the car painted
> I noticed someone (Moss?) had it on sale and was about to buy, but I saw a
> very nice looking blue Spitfire at the Oakton Community Colloge Britsh Car
> Show last September, there was no trim, it looked very nice with the simple
> black rubber windshield "seal" so I asked the guy about it. He said he'd
> tried to replace it, even tried using the tool he bought (from Victoria
> British?), but found it impossible and decided it looked fine without. He
> had a nice looking TR6 to go with his Spitfire and I don't think he was
> afraid to do his own wrenching, so I decided it must not be worth the
> trouble and I've pretty much decided to leave it off- it's certainly an
> option, at least on Spitfires
> Joe
> Joseph R Schneider Web Page http://pubweb.acns.nwu.edu/~jschneid/JRS.HTML
> 76 Spitfire 1500 FM45587UC VTR #11526 *Spit happens*
> "I'll take him to the Jesuits for they know the sins of the Pope himself."
> Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt page 129 (my daughter attends a Jesuit High
> School)