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Re: TR3 Fan Substitute

To: "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: Re: TR3 Fan Substitute
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>
Date: 24 Oct 1997 14:53:05 -0500
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Mike Thompson wrote: "While living in D.C. and over heating in the downtown 
traffic in my TR3, I used to frequent a place called Start Your Engines. A 
mail order place possibly connected with Moss that did resto work on TR's."

According to one of Moss' TR3/4 catalogs, "Start Your Engines" was an 
independent TR restoration shop that was bought by Moss, sometime in the 
early to mid '80s.  This may have been when Moss was expanding out of MGs 
into other LBCs.  At any rate SYE has become, or has been combined into, 
Moss' east coast warehouse.

Mike Thompson again: "They gave me this hint. Use a TR6 or TR250 yellow fan 
mounted backwards, to clear the brace that runs behind the fan."

My car, a 1960 TR3A, was rebuilt for one of its previous owners (not a DPO) 
by SYE in 1981.  They did a good job (although they could have contracted 
with a better paint shop) and the engine still runs strong.  Made the trip 
from Minnesota to Texas this summer w/o problems.  At any rate, amateur 
concours judges are always complaining that it has a yellow fan.  But it 
works well, and it's nice to know that SYE made the change when they rebuilt 
the car.  Do you think I can start claiming it's a "period accessory?"

John Rossi wrote: "I have a volvo fan on my 57 tr-3.  And it works great.The 
VTR has some infomation on this tech. tip.  I  will dig around in my papers 
and see if I can find the volvo part number.  You can still find them."

You probably CAN still find them.  But not new from Volvo.  And I'm not 
selling the fan off my Volvo 122 daily driver.

Andy Lindberg 

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