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Re: Monzas?

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Monzas?
From: "Jim Gambony" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 12:06:00 PDT
Well, it's not really an answer to the question, but I thought that some 
listers might find a bit of humor in my experience with a Monza on my 
'73 Spit 1500.

Back in 1989 I needed a new exhaust on the Spitfire, and JC Whitless had 
the Monza complete for about $60 (as compared to $75 for just a muffler 
from Roadster!).  Figured 'what the heck', ordered it and put it on.  PO 
had already installed a tubular header, so it was easy to slip the head 
pipe off the collector and cut to fit.  The system was solid from head 
to exhaust tip.  Important point.

This was while I was living and working in Northern VA and my tools and 
expertise were in central NJ.  Well, on a trip back to NJ to diagagnose 
why my o/d stopped working, the rings let go and I started burning a 
great deal of oil EXTERNALLY.  Yes, the oil was being blown out the 
dipstick hole, ran along the block and burned off on the header.  This 
was in central Maryland.

While nursing the car into NJ, one of the state's finest noticed the 
smoke trail I was leaving and decided to investigate.  I was able to get 
off with only a written warning, for excessive smoke and a "worn" 
exhaust.  Didn't have the nerve to correct the officer that it was solid 
steel all the way back!

Yes it was loud.  No, it's not fun on long highway trips.  But for a 
short hop around on a nice day.....  sounds great!

To each their own.

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