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Need help finding Original Redlines

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Need help finding Original Redlines
From: Vito Pacione <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 13:09:02 -0500
Cc: british-cars@Autox.Team.Net
I was able to find another tire through my last posting and am getting
really close to getting my set. I thought I would post this again to see if
I could get my last one!

Thanks alot to everyone on the list who has help or tried to help. There
have been many of you that have contacted me regarding my trying to put
together an original set of Michelins. I want you to know that I truly
appreciate it.

My current status is that I now have brand new original Michelin redlines.
My problem is that they don't all match. Two are the first generation large
letter tires that were used up into the middle of 1974. The second two are
the smaller letter type that were used through the rest of production.

So, I am still looking for a few more original equipment Michelin redline
tires so that I can have a complete set for showing the car. 

Original tires had no X (Michelin X) designation, and only had the word
Michelin on them. There were two types of non Michelin X tires, but I will
take either type. Does anyone have or know of any original unused spare
tires or any original non mounted tires? Do you know anyone who still might
have their original spares? The same tires were also used on E type jags if
that helps anyone.

I'd sure appreciate anyone who could help me finish out the set. I'd sure
like to get this stage of the restoration behind me. I am still offering
$400 for each never used original tire with large lettering and $300 for
each one with small lettering. Thanks again.

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