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Re: TR4 Sold

To: George Richardson <>
Subject: Re: TR4 Sold
From: Craig Richburg <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 10:28:39 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <Pine.SOL.3.90.971013125521.8430B-100000@publix> <> <> <> <>
Hello George,
Does it bother you that you can't see anything?
Let's talk about it.
George Richardson wrote:
> Craig Richburg wrote:
> > Look again.  keep looking.   Let's see if your comments about my email
> > were sincere or do I detect a one sided picture here?
> > Let's do it.
> Doc, I don't see anything to look at. I don't see much sense in your
> messages either. You definitely see a one sided picture, because you're
> the only one looking at it. The rest of us are just wondering what's
> wrong with you.
> "Let's do it."? Do what? Can you make any sense at all?
> --
> George Richardson
> '57 TR3, TS15559L
> (getting ready to paint - and now on the web!)

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