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Re: New to list & looking for a used Triumph.

To: rshaffer@VMS1.GMU.EDU
Subject: Re: New to list & looking for a used Triumph.
From: Bollen <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 08:49:23 -0400
Cc: triumphs <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
References: <Pine.PMDF.3.91.971012185949.631166A-100000@VMS1.GMU.EDU>
rshaffer@VMS1.GMU.EDU wrote:
>      Hello, my name is Robert Shaffer.  I'm a freshman college student in
> northern Virginia and I've been looking for my first car for quite some
> time.  In my search for a car, I have found myself at the Triumph.  I
> thought about MGs shortly (my best-friend in high school had one, I
> loved it) but they never really had the look I wanted.  Until now I
> didn't think I could afford a nice looking car that was also fun to
> drive.  I saw some Triumphs on the highway and was very impressed. I
> don't know abuot where you all live, but around my place there aren't
> exactly Triumph cults lurking around every corner, so I have come here.
> I'm interested in knowing where I can find used TRs (oh yeah, I'm looking
> at only TR6s (sorry)) and how much I can expect to pay for one that's not
> a rust bucket.  I have absolutely no problem having a car that I can work
> on a lot.  In fact I've always wanted a car that I can turn inside out,
> but the FI cars of the late 80s and early 90s have ruled that out.
> If it wouldn't be too much trouble, any advice on the subject would be
> very helpful, as I really have no other source to go on.  What could I
> expect to get for around $1500? (you're laughing, aren't you?) Is a car
> in that range going to have a lot of rust?  Please feel free to "spill
> your guts" on your experiences with the TR6.  Thank you very much!
>                                         Thankfully,
>                                         Robert Shaffer
Robert, you already have showqn a high degree of intelligence by
selecting a Triumph over an MG. The TR6 is a fine car. Trt to find a
chrome bumper model (pre 73 1/2 ). These cars have a higher CR ratio,and
less smog stuff. Also depending where you live may make a difference re
emissions testing. The two main things to look out for are end play in
the crank (have a friend depress the clutch pedal while you watch the
crankshaft pulley, or lever on it with a pry bar,) end play should be no
more than ten thou. Also look carefuly at the frame, particularly where
the rear subframe is anchored. Rust here is a BIG problem.Try to get a
model with overdrive.
No, you won't get a good one for $1500, unless you get lucky. Someone
just sold a good one here in DE for $800. I mised it, butsaw it.The
owner had no idea it was worth about $6000.
You should be able to get a sound one that looks tatty for around $4000.
They seem to be cheaper in CA than on the EastCoast. Good Luck, Stu  
74 TR6 80 TR8


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