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Re: Another Show Car (65 TR4) FOR SALE

To: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Another Show Car (65 TR4) FOR SALE
From: "\"Mr. Mike\" Passaretti" <>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 13:53:42 -0500
References: <><>
>>>>> "Craig" == Craig Richburg <> writes:

    Craig> Dr. Richburg wrote: Hello Chris,

OK, so you talk about yourself in the third person.
I think there's a name for that condition.

    Craig> It must be in the coffee.  What type is that, maybe
    Craig> I'll talk my patients into some.

    Craig> You appear to not know much about what you drive.

Or at least not to have an attitude about it.  Most of us here
are drivers and enthusiasts, not "collectors".  We don't
speculate much on the value of our cars or expect to get
anything near what we put into them out of them except in the
intangibles.  And we don't have dick size vs portfolio/collection
discussions very often, either, although that's where this one
is headed if I don't mistake myself.

    Craig> There is nothing "lame" about my 65 TR4.  There is
    Craig> probably $18,000 worth of work in this car.  More
    Craig> money then you probably made last year.  
    Craig> Remember, this is not the theoretical world of education,
    Craig> but rather the business world of reality.

And here they are, folks, the "I'm richer/better than you"
smirk, coupled with the ".edu" slam.  Sure-fire indicators of
someone more concerned with image or $$ than substance.  Bit
bucket time.  You have a fine automobile, and it _is_ one of
the last TR-4's built, so it's got cachet because of that.
It's a shame you didn't just stick with the facts instead of
waving your inferiority complex in everyone's face.  You might
have been taken seriously.  

P.S. For what it's worth, I drive a '65 TR-4 too.  She's
     a tattered old bird, but I love her, and I wouldn't part with
     her for what you're asking for your restoration queen.
     That's the "reality", and it's got nothing to do with dollars.  
     You can't buy soul and you can't sell something you 'aint got.

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