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LBC Event this Saturday

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, brit-cars@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: LBC Event this Saturday
From: "Reid Trummel" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 97 06:20:38 EST
Sorry to bomb the whole list, but...

..any and all LBC drivers in the Washington DC area are invited to join 
the Capital Area Austin-Healey Club for a leisurely drive from Washington 
to Westminster, Maryland, on Saturday.  We'll meet at the Grosvenor Metro 
station parking lot (drivers' meeting at 10:15 a.m.), and then take some 
Maryland back roads about 60 miles to Westminster.  Following lunch in 
Westminster (at Johannson's Dining House, 4 West Main Street) we have an 
optional winery visit add-on where they have invited us to help harvest 
grapes and learn all about wine making (wine sampling also available).

This is intended to be the first of an annual "Rolling British Car Meet,"  
so get in on the ground floor of this trend!

Weather forecast for Saturday is temps in the low 80s, not a cloud in 
sight...(no kidding).

For more info e-mail me or call:

Days: (301) 295-6992
Evenings: (202) 537-3478


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