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Re: On the way to the races

To: Robert Van and Ann Cross <>
Subject: Re: On the way to the races
From: SUCHAK <>
Date: Sat, 04 Oct 1997 09:43:55 -0400
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
Robert Van and Ann Cross wrote:
> I am a
> devout Triumph man but there was a spectacular 1960? 190SL.  The prettiest
> thing you have ever seen.  


As a young pup I used to hang out with an adult neighbor who was
restoring a '59 190SL.  I learned a ton about cars (and quite a bit
about life as well...) from the time I spent in his garage, puttering. 
They really are beautiful cars, but unfortunately seem to be rather
difficult to find parts for.  And, of course, the name "Mercedes" adds
quite a premium to the cost as well.

In retrospect, I'd have to say that the experience fundamentally changed
my preferences in automobiles (I was a big V8 guy prior..)  and fostered
my love of "Little, Topless & Bitchy" cars.  (LTB's?!?!?)

I lost track of the guy many years ago, and haven't seen a 190 since... 
(Jim Haldeman, where are you??)

<sentimental offal mode OFF>


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