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Re: TR6 Turn signal indicator

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: TR6 Turn signal indicator
From: "Jim Gambony" <>
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 1997 12:20:06 PDT

If he installed a turn signal switch with the indicator bulb on the end 
of the stalk, his car could be mistaken for a <gasp> Austin Mini MkI!

At least until the first tight corner.

Nomex on


On Fri, 3 Oct 1997, Trevor Jordan wrote:

> Does anyone else have problems with the turn indicator signals on the 
> The little green light on the speedo is hard to see...
> Any solutions?  Is a louder signal available or should I drill some 
> in the dash and install some large indicators lights?

Well, you could "keep it in the family," so to speak, by adapting the 
signal switch from a Triumph 10 (I assume the Standard 10 used the same
switch). This switch has the indicator light built into the tip of the
switch itself. Being rather longer than a TR6 switch, there should be
little problem in seeing the indicator light.

--Andy (not really serious about the aforementioned "fix")

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